How Do Dental Emergencies Work?
A pediatric dental emergency can arise unexpectedly as a result of a fall or sudden injury. Other situations might be caused by tooth decay or infection. These emergencies can be frightening for both children and parents. Give our office a call and we can discuss your child’s symptoms and determine when they need to be seen.
Give Us a Call!
Let’s discuss your child’s symptoms over the phone. Then, we’ll determine together whether or not your child needs to be seen ASAP or within the next few days. From there, we’ll plan the next steps.
We’ll fit you into our schedule or meet you at our clinic
Since we’ll want to see your child’s emergency as soon as possible, we’ll need to fit your child’s appointment into our regular day or if the emergency is after hours, meet you at the clinic.
We’ll take care of the emergency
Dental emergencies can range in severity, but we will have the tools and plans to help your child through the process.
What Counts As An Emergency?
Knocked-out teeth due to an injury.
Swelling in child’s mouth or cheeks.
Tooth fractured, chipped, or cracked tooth.
Missing fillings, crowns, or other dental restorations.
Abcess or pimple-like bump along the gumline.
If you have any other questions, we can answer them over the phone to determine whether or not your child is having an emergency. Please do not hesitate to call if you’re worried at all.