What are Sealants?

Just like how we protect ourselves from the rain with a raincoat and umbrella, sealants protect our teeth from bacteria and decay. The coats are thin, so your child won’t feel them as they bite down or eat foods, but they work an absolute wonder when preventing cavities on permanent molars. 


How Are Sealants Applied?

The process of applying a “sealant coat” to a tooth is quite easy! 

First, we’ll prep the tooth by gently cleaning it, then we apply a material to the tooth that will create a better bond between the tooth and the sealant, then we apply the sealant. We then apply UV light to the sealant to let it cure and harden completely. 

Once the sealant is applied, it’s extremely difficult for bacteria to infiltrate the tooth. This works great for new premolars and adult molars that have deep grooves that make it easy for carbohydrates to get stuck in and between. Sealants are the best way to effectively reduce tooth decay in addition to brushing regularly with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing. 


Why Don’t We Put Them on Baby Teeth?

We typically don’t place sealants on baby teeth because the baby teeth will eventually fall out, making the sealant a paid procedure that isn’t as needed. However, this isn’t to be interpreted that great oral hygiene isn’t essential for baby teeth. Baby teeth still need to be brushed and flossed regularly to avoid cavities because if baby teeth begin to decay, it can affect the developing adult tooth underneath it. 

Schedule an Appointment With Us Today!

If your child has just had their permanent molars erupt, it’s a great time to apply a sealant coat to them. The procedure itself is not invasive, so the appointment is short and sweet. Call us today or ask us about sealants during your child’s next appointment with us. 

FAQDavid Mumma