Teething 101

Teething can transform babies from peaceful bundles of joy to wailing bundles of rage. But teething is probably the most painful naturally-occurring process to ever happen in the human mouth, so let’s give them some credit. Here are some quick tips to help you prepare for this inevitable phase of your baby’s growth.

Quick Tips

Know the signs. Sometimes teething symptoms can be confused with sicknesses like a cold or the flu. Knowing the signs of teething can help you distinguish the difference. Teething symptoms usually include excessive drooling, chewing on objects, irritability or crankiness, tender gums, and a slight increase in temperature or fever.

Be prepared. Typically babies begin teething around 6 months, but some children start as early as 2 months. Keep an eye out for the signs in those early months.

Soothing methods to try. Sore baby gums love cold things! Rub your teething child’s gums with a cool washcloth or gauze, give them a bottle of ice water, or feed them cold things like applesauce and yogurt.

Soothing methods to avoid. Over the counter remedies that are rubbed on gums can be a waste of money as they quickly wash away in your babies mouth. If you do choose to use over-the-counter methods, be extra conscious of the ingredients. Medications containing benzocaine or lidocaine can be harmful to your baby.

Surviving the chaos. Teething is not a fun process. In fact, it’s the opposite––comforting, we know. Just remember that it’s not forever and your baby is going to have their own set of teeth by the end of it!

Need a shoulder to cry on while your baby is teething? Schedule an appointment with Just 4 kiDDS Dentistry For Children sooner rather than later!

FAQDavid Mumma